Tuesday, July 13, 2010


 Definition of Realness realness

reality, realness, realism
the state of being actual or real; "the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him"

Category Tree:
being; beingness; existence
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reality, realness, realism
Why is everyone's realness so different?
Why must people be on the defense?
Why for some is their objective to harm?
Why is our world filled with hate?

Tell me this isn't real. Tell me this isn't fate. Tell me this isn't truth. Tell me....

I know. You don't have to tell me... It is realness. For every good there is a bad. For every smile there is a frown. This is what I choose, happiness. This is why I choose those that smile, those that are kind, those that aim to inspire. Because realness is what you make it, realness is what you surround yourself by.... for those that kill there are those that strive to uplift others to live life fully. An integrated life of realness. 

Choose to love not only yourself but also those around you and this world will be a better place.

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