Wednesday, June 8, 2011


people say it could never be.... but things change. Happiness is your choice, no one else's. Take control of your happiness. Pursue your love, your dreams, your education, and the little things that make you smile. Don't take life for granted. And don't let others tell you what to do..... Just do what is good and what makes you truly happy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What is knowledge if you do not use it for the greater good of humanity? What is knowledge if you do not teach it to our youth and those that are ignorant? What is knowledge if you do not apply it? It is then, seemingly wasteless information.
-Sherrie Gearheart

Follow Your Dreams

If I lived my life the way everyone else would want then I would be miserably unhappy and indecisive. Thank God I figured out a long time ago that my happiness is dependent on me, my desires dreams and goals, and on the story I create everyday. I take power in that and I am truly grateful. I just wish hope and pray everyone else would realize their potential.

Monthly Columnist for Action Magazine

I was so proud and excited to be featured on Action Magazine's blog. I attended their latest event to kicl of their publication which just went from quarterly to monthly. Therefore, I am now a monthly contributor writing articles pertaining to suicide prevention and intervention. I also write articles about depression. Check out the link where they feature me at their event Below is an image of me and editor in chief of Action Magazine, Kenya Nalls. To learn about Action Magazine or to read the latest articles go to

Never Give Up

Never think it's over because right when everything seems to be crashing down and you just can't breathe and you think its over... Its not. It's simply time to relax and ride the waves..... because you are on the brink to success. If you give up you will be like the many others with wasted potential wishing and wanting. Never give up.
Furthermore, during this time of turmoil never lose sight of your character. It is these very values that will lead you through these tough times. Stay positive, keep perspective, and keep the faith. It is your faith that allows you to liveallows you to look to the future and keep building even when the walls seem to be tumbling down. Never give up.
-Sherrie Gearheart